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Attractions & Activities in Dahab

June 7, 2023 by Tamar Ellis

Dahab is a small coastal town on the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, offering a relaxed quaint charm mixed with traditional Bedouin culture and wonderful opportunities for exploration and adventure. There is a wide range of accommodation options, from rooftop hostels to luxurious beach-side resorts for travelers from all walks of life to call ‘home’ during their stay.

St Catherine's | Mount Sinai | Dahab Attractions

St. Catherine’s Monastery

Situated at the foot of Mount Sinai in Saint Catherine Town, the St. Catherine Monastery is the oldest inhabited monastery and library in the world. This UNESCO World Heritage Site houses texts and manuscripts in some of the most ancient languages in the world.

St. Catherine’s Monastery, built in 565 AD, is named after Princess Chatherine of Alexandria and is home to the Burning Bush which is believed to be where Moses saw God and first met his wife.

This ancient monastery is a “must see” site when travelling in Dahab!

Mount Sinai

Located in the South Sinai Desert about 50km (31 miles) from the Red Sea, Mount Sinai is a magnificent peak for hiking in the area. Mount Sinai is famously known and accepted world-wide as the mountain that Moses climbed to receive the Ten Commandments and is fondly referred to as “Mount Moses”.

The second highest peak in Egypt, Mount Sinai offers magnificent views which are particularly splendid during sunrise / sunset.

Hiking Mount Sinai | Dahab Attractions
The Colored Canyon | Dahab Attractions

The Colored Canyon

A two hour drive from Sharm El Sheikh, the Colored Canyon is an incredible natural wonder not be missed when visiting Dahab!

Vibrant rock formations in shades of yellow, orange, gold and reds stretch for 800m at a depth of 30m as a result of erosion and receding water from the Red Sea formed millions of years ago.

The Colored Canyon makes for an incredible day trip away from the city and offers wonderful opportunity for hiking, walking or simply snapping some gorgeous photos!

The Blue Lagoon

Crystal clear and wonderfully calm, the Blue Lagoon, located north of Dahab can be reached by 4WD, camel or hiking. This magnificent large lagoon offers visitors a remote escape from the modern world. Swimming, snorkeling, sunbathing and kitesurfing are popular activities to enjoy while soaking up the glorious sunshine. Stores and Cafes are fairly close by for refreshments.

The Blue Lagoon | Dahab Attractions
The Blue Hole | Dahab Attractions

The Blue Hole

Situated 10km north of Dahab on the Red Sea coast of the Sinai Peninsula, the Blue Hole is famed for being one of the most beautiful diving spots in the world. It is home to several groups of rare fish species and has unique, spectacular coral reefs.

With a maximum depth of over 100m, the Blue Hole is not for beginner divers and requires a high level of experience, confidence and diving skills.

Diving The Red Sea

The Red Sea offer scuba divers some of the world’s most beautiful coral reefs, plentiful marine life, and a wide variety of diverse dive sites.

Stretching along thousands of kilometres from north to south, the Red Sea is a massive and diverse diving destination where divers can explore coral reefs, venture deep inside shipwrecks and caverns, and come face to face with sharks… An incredible experience not to be missed when in Dahab.

Scuba Diving Red Sea | Dahab Attractions